Monday, September 9, 2019

Asafoetida spray

Take 20gms of asafoetida, boil this in 500ml of water. Cool it. Add five litres of water and drench the soil with this liquid.

Makes the soil free from root nematods, repels pests, repels mealy bugs, helps in more flowering and fruiting.

Bio Fertilisers and Bio fungicides

Bio Fertilisers:

!. Phosphobacteria:

It is a major nutrient inducing vigrous growth in plants and helps in disease resistance, root formation and overall plant growth.

2. Azospirillum:

This is a nitrogen fixing bio fertiliser. It increases root density and root branching which results in increased uptake of minerals and water.

Bio Fungicides:

1. Pseudomonas Florescence:

This provides useful enzymes and oxygen for plant growth, controls black rot and blister blight diseases.

2. Trichoderma Viride:

This prevents crops from diseases like root rot, wilts, brown rot, damping off, soil borne diseases.

Test your soil @ home yourself

Soil canbe acidic or alkaline. Its not easy for everyone to go out and buy an appartus to check the soil. so here is an easy home solution to check your soil type.

collect soil in two different cups. to one add half a cup of vinegar and to the other add distilled water until soil gets muddy.

If the vinegar cup fizzes you have alkaline soil with a PH between 7-8 probably.

If the distilled water fizzez then soil is acidic with a PH of probably around 5 & 6.

Plants which thrive in acidic soil are beans, broccoli, beetroot, bok choy, garlic, lettuce, leafy greens, parsley, peas, potato, onions, spinach to name a few.

Plants which thrive in alkaline soil are cabbage, grape vines, leeks, lima beans, spinach, leafy greens, mustard, turnips, beets...

Cutting capsicum plants for thicker bushes and bumper crops

Capsicum plants grow as a 'Y' shape. in order to make the plants grow more bushier we can chop at the intersection of the 'Y', these will result in the plant growing out more branches from below and thus resulting in bushier plants and more veggies.