Thursday, May 7, 2020

How to make your own bio enzyme at home

300 gms fruit peels
100 gms jaggery
1 litre water

Mix all ingredients together and store in a plastic bottle or container with a lid loosely closed to allow the gas formed to escape out for the first ten days. Once the bubbles stop close the lid properly and keep aside in a cool place for three months. Shake the container once in a way to mix everything.
After three months you will hàve a clear liquid on the top with à nice sweet smell.
Your bio enzyme is ready. It's got multiple uses.
Dilute in the ratio of 1:10 and use in your garden.
Pour the concentrated form to unclog dràins.
Pour one càpful with a càpful of vinegar to your bucket of water for mopping the  house.
You can also add soapnut solution ànd use this to wash your clothes.