Sunday, February 27, 2022

Insects, Pests and Plant Diseases

All gardens have pests, insects and suffer from some kind of disease from time to time. The key to a healthy garden is to concentrate on your soil. A healthy soil with a good organic content will build your plant immunity, enhance taste, increase weight, boost yields and will help the plant to fight out any infestation on its own. Nature by itself always takes care of itself for example you will notice that whenever there is a mealy bugs infestation ants and lady bugs come off to eat them. 

Having said this, it's important to know what are the different kinds of infestation that we can see in our gardens and farms. We shall divide these into two categories- serious pests and minor pests.😀

Serious pests :
1. Mealy bugs
2. Alphids
3. Thrips
4. Mites
5. White flies
6. Scales
7. Powdery mildew
8. Fruit rot/drop
9. Leaf curl virus

Minor pests:
1. Leaf miners
2. Caterpillar
3. Fruit borers
4. Weevils
5. Beetles
6. Webbers
7. Leafspot disease

We shall try and touch on all of these one on one with tips and remedies to handle each one of these organically and naturally.

Happy Gardening!!!