Monday, July 1, 2019


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Method 1

For making panchgavya we need the following ingredients:

Cowdung approx            7 kgs
Cow ghee                          1 kg
Gomiyam                          10litres
Water                                10litres
Cow milk                          3 litres
Cow curd                          2 litres
Tender coconut water    3 litres
Jaggery                              3 kgs
Sugarcane juice               3 litres
Well Ripened Poovan Bananas 12nos

Mix the cowdung and ghee and keep aside for 3 days. Ensure you mix this twice a day.

On the 4th day add Gomiyam and water and keep aside for 15 days, ensuring you are mixing the mix twice daily.

On the 16th day thereafter, mix the remaining ingredients and ensure you don't forget to stir twice daily. This time you keep it aside for 30days. Keep this in shade. Cover to protect your mix from flies and mosquitoes.

Sugarcane juice is optional, it's added to increase microbial activity in the mix.

After a total of 48 days your panchgavya is ready for use. Dilute 5ml to a litre of water and use as required.

Method 2

Alternative method where you mix everything and keep aside and use after 20 days :

Cowdung 5kgs
Cow milk 2 litres
Cow curd 2 litres
Gomiyam 3 litres
Cow ghee 1/2 kg
Coconut water 3 no's
Handful of chunnam
Handful of soil
Handful of Jaggery.

Mix everything together and keep aside for 20-25 days, stir this twice to thrice daily, cover and keep in shade. Dilute and use once ready as soil drench or foliar spray.

Happy gardening.