Saturday, June 29, 2019

Banana based fertilizer

Banana based fertilizerImage result for banana peelImage result for banana peel
Items required:
  • 12 over ripe bananas 
  • 100 grams of curd 
  • 100 grams of jaggery 
  • 5L water can
  • A bottle to store the liquid.

Chop the bananas into pieces. Add little water and churn in the mixer grinder. Pour this liquid into a 5 L water can. Mix jaggery and curd till it is well blended. Add this to the banana mix. Close the lid and mix well. You may add more water if needed to get dropping consistency (That is neither too thick or thin). Open the lid, cover it with a bit of cloth with a rubber band. Shake it every day. Once the bubbles stop close the lid and keep it aside. After few days of fermentation the banana mix separates with a clear liquid on top and the slush settle down. Pour this clear liquid into another bottle and use 10 ml to 1 Liter of water. Spray this on the plants.

What to do with the balance slush?
Take the slush add 100 gram curd  and 100 gram jaggery. Restart the above process and this can go for 3 to 4 cycles. Lastly add this slush to your compost bin.

Banana Tea

Method 1

Boil 5 banana peels in a litre of water for 15 minutes. Strain the liquid.

Dilute it in 3 times water and use this to water the plants. 

It is an instant fertilizer and very effective for fruiting in plants. Add a teaspoon of honey and pour it away from roots.

Method 2

Put all banana peels in a jar and fill it with water. Leave it for two days. Then use this water to spray your plants. Banana peel Tea is ready. The peels can be chopped and put in the soil or alternatively use it in slurry.

Method 3

Dry the peels in the sun. Grind to a powder and sprinkle this on your plants.

Method 4


5 banana peels 
3 egg shells
1 tablespoon of epsom salt water 
1 L spray bottle.

Dry the peels and the egg shells. Powder very fine and mix everything. Spray on the plants.

Fermented Banana peels
For better blooms and strong plants

Put banana peels in a jar and fill it with water. Cover the jar with a cloth and tie it tight & close with a rubber band.
Let this ferment for a week. If there is mist formed, it is fine. If you see mold/mould (green fungus kind), throw the mix and start again.
After a week, grind the peels i a mixer grinder and apply to the plants.

Nutrient mix for soil
Bananas : 4 or 5 (poovan is best)

Hing : 50gms 
Water : 1 liter

Boil the above, allow it to cool and then filter it.

Mix the liquid obtained above with 10 liter of water and 20-40 gms of epsom salt. (Epsom salts are available in medical shop - sachet of 20gms)

Spray the liquid on plants

Good luck with gardening.