Thursday, May 30, 2019

Tomatoes - Germination & transplanting


  • Good quality native tomato (desi variety)
  • Big container - say 1sq ft - 2 sq ft (with drainage)
  • Cocopeat
  • Thin stick
  • Potting soil
Take the round shaped desi tomatoes , cut them into thick slices. Lay them on a bed of moist cocopeat and top it with a thin layer of cocopeat. In few days you will see tens of tomato seeds germinating.

why can't we sow tomatoes directly in mud? Do we need the cockpeat medium?

It's better this way, easier to transplant....tomatoes are delicate plants. 

When you sow in soil directly we have to ensure the soil medium is loose and not too tight or too much clay. 

When you transplant a tomato, instead of sowing it at level one (1) sow it at level two 92) in the soil, this will help the plant to shoot out more roots between level one & two, plus it will make the plant more sturdier and withstand the weight of the fruits. If required, just keep a small stick for support.

Watering : Though tomato plants need more water, make sure you do not over-water it. Using coc0peat will help in maintaining moisture.

Happy gardening.