Monday, May 27, 2019

Sowing of seeds

Good morning friends, now that we have got our spaces ready and our basic potting mix ready too, let's start with sowing of seeds.

While sowing seeds I normally use only cocopeat as my medium. I use any of the containers at home which are of no use to me or I make small cups from newspaper, shall show you how I make those in a video soon.

Spray water on your sowing medium and sow the seeds...the sowing depth will depend on the size of the seed, it's normally two times the diameter of the seed. Larger seeds like beans and gourds can be sowed an inch deep too.

There are few seeds which you can sow and transplant and there are some which have to be sown directly.

I tend to normally sow all my seeds in the seedling trays and transplant except for my greens and bottle gourd which does not adapt to transplanting on my tg (terrace garden).

Choose seeds which are heirloom or native instead of hybrid preferably. 

Whatever you grow the first time in your garden we shall save the seeds of them and store for our next round of sowing....we shall learn how to do this when we reach that point.

Keep the seed trays in a shaded area of the garden. Spray water diligently, don't overwater. Sometimes you will see after germination the stem of the shoot is too long and lanky it's because the sprouts are reaching out for the sun, so keep an eye out on your babies.

You can transplant the healthy ones once the true leaves are formed which is normally after five to seven leaves.

To add to the above sowing of seeds, soaking the seeds in panchagavya boosts the germination of the seeds.

Seeds basically need moisture, oxygen and warmth to germinate. If we maintain these three in correct balance, they will sprout up well.

Happy gardening.