Saturday, May 25, 2019

Plan for your veggie garden

We need to start planning for our veggie garden now, so please plan out what all you wish to grow, how many members are there in your family, which area of your garden gets sunlight, which gets shade, where do you wish to grow ...i.e. in pots and containers or you have ground space ....take two three days to think it out and then we can all.plan

May is the month when the garden soil is turned out and new manure is added to enrich the soil. Normally a ratio of 1:1:1:1 is used which means equal proportions of soil, cowdung manure, cocopeat and vermicompost.

Normally when I make bulk quantities of soil I add more of cowdung manure and less of vermicompost as we shall be topping our pots with VC once in 15 days 

I also tend to use more of my home compost than cowdung manure since I have a whole lot of it at home  and I find it works wonders for me.

The reason why you add cowdung manure is it's a slow releasing fertilizer and VC is a instant fertilizer. That's the reason why we recommend dry cowdung manure. 

Cowdung manure is easily available in nurseries for max 10 per is available anywhere from 5rs onwards to max 10. It's sold in Amazon and other online sites for very exorbitant rates so please be aware of the market price before  going online.

Cocopeat is added for its ability to retain water. You can add vermiculite or perlite too for water retention. This is needed if you are doing terrace gardening. Evaporation is faster on the terrace than at ground level.

One can also use chicken manure or goat manure but remember to use it sparingly as they increase the heat level  in the soil.

Adding a bit of neem cake to your soil will help prevent nematodes or root damage to your plants. It acts as a natural fungicide.

Good luck and happy gardening.