Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Homemade seeds & solutions to germinate

We don't need to buy seeds to grow them, we can get them at our home itself.


Every household uses dry red chillies in all shapes, sizes and varieties. The dried seeds canbe sowed and voila you have your green chilli plant.


Take the round shaped desi tomatoes , cut them into thick slices. Lay them on a bed of moist cocopeat and top it with a thin layer of cocopeat. In few days you will see tens of tomato seeds germinating.


Soak methi in water for few hours and then sow directly in the pot in which you need to grow it.

Pudhina or mint

Growing Pudina or mint from a bunch bought from your local store.

Choose a bunch which has thick purple colour stems. Trim the bottoms and leave a leaf or two on the stem. 
Place this in a glass of water. Change the water everyday. After few days you will see fresh roots shooting out. 
Transplant these in the container you wish to grow it and while transplanting them lay them down in a sort of a lying position as mint are runners ....We leave just one or two leaves so that the plant will use it's energy to form roots.

Spring Onions

You can grow spring onions in exactly the same way. Buy a bunch of spring onions and choose the small ones with fresh roots. Sow each one separately. Over a period of time you will see that, that single bulb has got multiple bulbs growing along its sides. You can keep segregating and transplanting them, use the greens as and when needed and keep harvesting the onions as they grow a little big.


Celery is another exotic plant which is very easy to grow. Buy one stalk from the market. Chop off the top leaving about 6" to the base. Soak this in water and change the water as usual everyday. New roots will form and a new shoot will sprout from the centre, transplant it at this stage and you will get your continuous supply of celery year round.

Rooting solutions

Aloe Vera as a rooting hormone. You can use fresh aloe Vera gel to soak the stems in. Aloe Vera is a very good rooting hormone. Do try it for any of your cuttings be they fruit or flowers.

Honey and cinnamon is another good home made rooting hormone which you can use. Cinnamon acts as a fungicide.

Happy gardening.