Friday, November 20, 2020

Home remedies for Powdery mildew

Powdery mildew is a fungal infection that affects a variety of plants especially gourds, watermelon, pumpkins, brinjal, okra, roses, strawberries etc. The infected plants are very easily identifiable with the white powdery like residue on their leaves and stems. It's like as if someone has sprinkled some flour on them.

There are many remedies available which one can try to control powdery mildew on their plants. am sharing a few of these with you.....

1. Mix 1 tbsp baking soda, 1 tbsp sesame oil, 1 tsp soapnut liquid and 4 litres of water. mix everything well and spray on the plants.

2. 2 to 3 tbsp of apple cider vinegar added to 3 to 31/2 litres of water also controls powdery mildew.

3. One part milk to 2 parts water if sprayed weekly is also effective in controlling powdery mildew.

4. Blend 2-3 pods of garlic with little water, add some soapnut liquid. strain this mix with a fine cheesecloth and keep overnight. next day dilute in water and spray.

5. Just jet spraying some water will help scrape off the powdery mildew from the stems and spray aloe vera juice

6. spraying 3 g spray

7. Pruning the plant, keep space to allow good air circulation and not over watering will help.

8. Onion peel water will help. Soak two handfuls of onion peels to one litre of water, keep aside for a day or two and spray.

9. Prepare buttermilk and place any copper vessel or wire or piece inside it. Cover and keep aside to ferment for 15 days. Dilute this liquid 10ml - 20ml, to one litre of water and spray. You can even add asafoetida to this mix.

10. Most effective when most home remedies don't work is the use of bio fertilizers and bio pesticides in the garden. Take 20ml of pseudomonas florescence to one litre of water and spray and use as soil drench too. 

11. Use Trichoderma Viridi 20ml to one litre of water as spray and soil drench 

12. Take 1tbsp organic turmeric powder dilute this to one litre of water, add little raw milk and spray.

13. Making a concoction of ash 1tsp to one litre of water and approximately 25-30ml of raw milk and spraying will help too.

Most of the times, addressing the issue in the initial stages helps. So we need to correctly diagnose and treat the infestation.

If powdery mildew is left untreated it will result in retarded growth, rotten or poor yields , leaves shall start to wither and die and ultimately result in the plant dying.

So be aware, your plants talk to you, observe and listen...

Happy Gardening!!!