Thursday, October 8, 2020

How to get maximum blooms on your Jasmine plant

Jasmine's are my all time favourite flowers the fragrance of the flowers just soothes the senses and is so heavenly, the entire garden is like paradise.
Over the years I have learned a few things which I shall share here with you all, how to get maximum blooms from your plant.....
1) Do not throw your dried flowers away, crush them and put them back in the same pot. All the nutrients your plant needs to flower is there in the flower itself.
2) When I have a lot of flowers at home I make my own bio fertilizer....300gm of flowers(could be fresh or dried) 100gm organic native jaggery and 1000ml of water. I mix all these and keep it in a loosely fitted lidded plastic container. Loosely fit lid allows gas which is formed to escape. After 3 months my bio fertilizer is ready for use and the shelf life of this is like forever ...use 10ml to a litre once in a while.
3) Every time your plant finishes blooming trim back the stems, cut the ones which are dried out and feed your plant some fistful to one pot should suffice.
4) Keep your pot in full sunlight
5) Ensure it has good drainage
6) Till the soil regularly
7) Repot once in two years
8) You can make a slurry of the flowers and water, dilute that and water the plant ....strain the mix well else it may attract ants to the pot or harden the top soil
9) Talk to your plants, thank them for the flowers, say sorry to have hurt you when you trim it back, explain its for their own good....I know it sounds silly but trust me they listen n respond.

A little care from our end and you will see the results. Any or all of the above mentioned points will help you bring in max blooms ....if you don't have the time just drop in the dried flowers in the pot itself that will also work fine.

Happy Gardening!!!