Sunday, November 26, 2023

Enhancing Soil Nutrient content in soil by use of beneficial microbes.

Enhancing the soil nutrient content with the help of Beneficial Microbes.

Soil micro-organisms are the most abundant of all the organisms in soil and responsible for nutrient uptake, organic matter cycling, soil fertility, soil restoration, plant health and ecosystem. Beneficial micro-organisms include those that create symbiotic associations with plant roots (rhizobia, mycorrhizal fungi, actinomycetes, diazotrophic bacteria), promote nutrient mineralization and availability, produce plant growth hormones, and are antagonists of plant pests, parasites or diseases (biocontrol agents). Many of these organisms are already naturally present in the soil, although in some situations it may be beneficial to increase their populations by either inoculation or by applying various agricultural management techniques that enhance their abundance and activity.

Beneficial soil microbes such as plant growth promoting micro-organisms (PGPMs),  comprise of specific groups of bacteria and fungi, that support plant growth. 

PGPM biofertilizers promote plant growth by enhancing nutrient availability to the plants by Nitrogen(N) fixation of soil, Phosphorus(P) and potassium(K) solubilization, NPK in short, Sulfur oxidation, Iron and Calcium sequestration.  PGPMs enhance the availability of Phosphorus, Potassium, Zinc, Selenium and Iron in the soil through biochemical processes such as solubilization, chelation, mineralization, oxidation and reduction reactions.

PGPMs are also known to secrete phytohormones that act as plant growth stimulators and stress controllers.

The most commonly used bio fertiliser is NPK, Vam, Mycorrhiza. 
These allow plants to draw more nutrients and water from the soil. They also increase plant tolerance to different environmental stresses. Moreover, these fungi play a major role in soil aggregation process and stimulate microbial activity.

These should be used monthly and dosage as specified in packet.

Use of Seaweed extract and Humic Acid to increase Nutrient content in soil

Usage of Humic Acid and Seaweed Extracts to increase Nutrient content in soil.

Seaweed extracts and humic acid is a powerful combination to increase soil nutrient value and they together have a Synergistic Effect i.e. they work better in combination than alone, magnifying their benefits to the plant manifold.
 A 10 year study done by Virginia Tech on organic bio-stimulants, found that combining humic acid and seaweed extracts in a 5:2 ratio worked 50% better than either product being used solely.

 The studies showed the following results: 

 The humic acid -seaweed combination stimulated more lateral root development and root mass, allowing the plants to take up water and nutrients more efficiently and that translates into higher quality and yield. 
They also found that the treated plants were better able to handle heat and water stress, and they recovered from stress much faster.
The plants had better color and accumulated significantly higher levels of vitamins and natural plant protection agents.

How to use this combination?

Combine 1 gram of Humic acid, 1 gram of Fulvic acid in a litre of water and add 2 to 3 ml of seaweed extract, mix well and soil drench.
Repeat monthly for best results.

Happy Gardening!!!

Wednesday, November 22, 2023

How to boost nutrient content in soil..... SEAWEED

Seaweed Extract

The use of seaweed-based bioproducts has been gaining momentum owing to their unique bioactive components.

Seaweeds have phytostimulatory properties that result in increased plant growth and yield parameters in several important crop plants.

Seaweeds have phytoelicitor activity as their components evoke defense responses in plants that contribute to resistance to several pests, diseases, and abiotic stresses including drought, salinity, and cold.

Seaweeds also evoke phytohormonal responses due to their specific components and interaction with plant growth regulation.

 Seaweed extracts and products also causes significant changes in the microbiome components of soil and plant in support of sustainable plant growth. 

There are many seaweed products in the market. 

These are available in different types but we prefer the liquid formulations which can hence  be sprayed or soil drenched.

Here we are soil drenching.

Use 2 ml to a litre and soil drench.

More on seaweed extract in the next blog. 

Happy Gardening!!!

Monday, November 20, 2023

How to increase the nutrient content in soil

In the last blog we discussed the Soil Conditioner - Humic Acid, and the benefits.

I am sure many may not have  heard of Fulvic Acid - a part of Humus, and which is commonly referred to as Chelater or Transporter.

Fulvic acid is an organic substance that occurs naturally in the soil. It's made up of a variety of different minerals and nutrients, which makes it beneficial for plants and soil alike.

Advantages of Fulvic Acid:
1. Fulvic acid improves the plant metabolism and its stress resisting capabilities by entering inside the plant system.
2. Fulvic acid helps to Increase nutrient uptake in plants by chelating (binding) minerals and other nutrients.
3. Fulvic acids can be thought of as the railcar(Transporter) that carries vital nutrients from the soil into the plant.
4. Fulvic acid can help to protect plants from disease by strengthening their immune system. It also helps to reduce the spread of disease and helps plants recover more quickly from an infection.
5. Fulvic acid helps to improve soil health by increasing the level of organic compounds in the soil.
6. Fulvic acid helps to increase the number of beneficial bacteria and fungi in the soil, which leads to better nutrient uptake and healthier plants.
7. Fulvic acid helps to protect plants from environmental stress by providing them with the nutrients they need to survive.
8. Fulvic acid also helps to improve the plant's ability to detoxify itself, which reduces the amount of stress that the plant experiences.

How to use Fulvic Acid:
Mix 1 gram of Fulvic acid in a litre of water along with any other fertiliser and spray on leaves. 
You can also mix 1 gram of fulvic acid per litre of water along with Humic acid and soil drench.

It’s highly recommended to use once a month.

Sunday, November 19, 2023

How to increase Nutrient intake in plants during winter.

During winter most of the times we see that the growth in the plant is sluggish. Some plants shed their leaves which leads to insufficient photosynthesis happening. 
Winter also brings with it its own set of health issues like powdery mildew and blight infections. 
So what can we do to increase the nutrient intake in plants during winter which can help the plant to grow, sustain and be healthy in winters.

One proven research says to feed the plant Calcium regularly either by way of foilar spray or soil drench. 
A home remedy which I use frequently in my garden is spraying 5% raw milk in my garden weekly.  
This makes the leaves soft and fresh. 

But only this is not sufficient. We need to do more. A dash of 50% organic silicon powder when given to the soil boosts plant health, vigour and growth.

What else can we do? Well let's get down to some few basic steps....

As a first step we have to use a Soil conditioner, which will Improve soil structure and Increase caution exchange capacity of soil.

Potassium humate is the potassium salt of humic acid. It is manufactured commercially by alkaline extraction of brown coal (lignite) leonardite and is used mainly as a soil conditioner.

Humic Acid stimulates the plant to produce its own beneficial hormones naturally. Humic acid enhances nutrient uptake and hormone production through plants roots.

1. Improves soil structure and Increases caution exchange capacity of soil.
2. Enhances resistance to stress for soil, especially reducing high salts in alkaline soils.
3.Stimulates biological activity in soil.
4. Enhances nutrient uptake and increases the content of humus in soil.
5. Improves the physical and chemical qualities of soils.
6. Is a Plant growth stimulant, which promotes root development.
7. Reduce the toxicity of pesticide residue and prevents soil from contamination of heavy metallic ions as well as other harmful matters.
8. Greatly improve the utilization rate of nitrogen fertilizer. Keeps 60% of nitrogen readily available and 40% as slow-release.
9. Enhance the resilience of crops, such as cold, drought, pest, disease and toppling resistance.
10. Potassium is an important component of chlorophyll, speed up the photosynthesis.

Plants grown in soil rich with humic substances produce higher yields, provide better nutrition, and are less subject to stress, compared with plants grown in soils lacking these nutrients.

How to use :

Mix 1 gram of bio potassium humate in a litre of water and soil drench.
For example if you provide 3 litres of water to any plant, then add 3 grams to 3 litres and soil drench.

It’s highly recommended to use this once a month for best results.

We shall continue more in the next blog...... Happy Gardening!!!!