Sunday, November 26, 2023

Use of Seaweed extract and Humic Acid to increase Nutrient content in soil

Usage of Humic Acid and Seaweed Extracts to increase Nutrient content in soil.

Seaweed extracts and humic acid is a powerful combination to increase soil nutrient value and they together have a Synergistic Effect i.e. they work better in combination than alone, magnifying their benefits to the plant manifold.
 A 10 year study done by Virginia Tech on organic bio-stimulants, found that combining humic acid and seaweed extracts in a 5:2 ratio worked 50% better than either product being used solely.

 The studies showed the following results: 

 The humic acid -seaweed combination stimulated more lateral root development and root mass, allowing the plants to take up water and nutrients more efficiently and that translates into higher quality and yield. 
They also found that the treated plants were better able to handle heat and water stress, and they recovered from stress much faster.
The plants had better color and accumulated significantly higher levels of vitamins and natural plant protection agents.

How to use this combination?

Combine 1 gram of Humic acid, 1 gram of Fulvic acid in a litre of water and add 2 to 3 ml of seaweed extract, mix well and soil drench.
Repeat monthly for best results.

Happy Gardening!!!