Monday, November 20, 2023

How to increase the nutrient content in soil

In the last blog we discussed the Soil Conditioner - Humic Acid, and the benefits.

I am sure many may not have  heard of Fulvic Acid - a part of Humus, and which is commonly referred to as Chelater or Transporter.

Fulvic acid is an organic substance that occurs naturally in the soil. It's made up of a variety of different minerals and nutrients, which makes it beneficial for plants and soil alike.

Advantages of Fulvic Acid:
1. Fulvic acid improves the plant metabolism and its stress resisting capabilities by entering inside the plant system.
2. Fulvic acid helps to Increase nutrient uptake in plants by chelating (binding) minerals and other nutrients.
3. Fulvic acids can be thought of as the railcar(Transporter) that carries vital nutrients from the soil into the plant.
4. Fulvic acid can help to protect plants from disease by strengthening their immune system. It also helps to reduce the spread of disease and helps plants recover more quickly from an infection.
5. Fulvic acid helps to improve soil health by increasing the level of organic compounds in the soil.
6. Fulvic acid helps to increase the number of beneficial bacteria and fungi in the soil, which leads to better nutrient uptake and healthier plants.
7. Fulvic acid helps to protect plants from environmental stress by providing them with the nutrients they need to survive.
8. Fulvic acid also helps to improve the plant's ability to detoxify itself, which reduces the amount of stress that the plant experiences.

How to use Fulvic Acid:
Mix 1 gram of Fulvic acid in a litre of water along with any other fertiliser and spray on leaves. 
You can also mix 1 gram of fulvic acid per litre of water along with Humic acid and soil drench.

It’s highly recommended to use once a month.