Monday, September 9, 2019

Asafoetida spray

Take 20gms of asafoetida, boil this in 500ml of water. Cool it. Add five litres of water and drench the soil with this liquid.

Makes the soil free from root nematods, repels pests, repels mealy bugs, helps in more flowering and fruiting.

Bio Fertilisers and Bio fungicides

Bio Fertilisers:

!. Phosphobacteria:

It is a major nutrient inducing vigrous growth in plants and helps in disease resistance, root formation and overall plant growth.

2. Azospirillum:

This is a nitrogen fixing bio fertiliser. It increases root density and root branching which results in increased uptake of minerals and water.

Bio Fungicides:

1. Pseudomonas Florescence:

This provides useful enzymes and oxygen for plant growth, controls black rot and blister blight diseases.

2. Trichoderma Viride:

This prevents crops from diseases like root rot, wilts, brown rot, damping off, soil borne diseases.

Test your soil @ home yourself

Soil canbe acidic or alkaline. Its not easy for everyone to go out and buy an appartus to check the soil. so here is an easy home solution to check your soil type.

collect soil in two different cups. to one add half a cup of vinegar and to the other add distilled water until soil gets muddy.

If the vinegar cup fizzes you have alkaline soil with a PH between 7-8 probably.

If the distilled water fizzez then soil is acidic with a PH of probably around 5 & 6.

Plants which thrive in acidic soil are beans, broccoli, beetroot, bok choy, garlic, lettuce, leafy greens, parsley, peas, potato, onions, spinach to name a few.

Plants which thrive in alkaline soil are cabbage, grape vines, leeks, lima beans, spinach, leafy greens, mustard, turnips, beets...

Cutting capsicum plants for thicker bushes and bumper crops

Capsicum plants grow as a 'Y' shape. in order to make the plants grow more bushier we can chop at the intersection of the 'Y', these will result in the plant growing out more branches from below and thus resulting in bushier plants and more veggies.

Monday, July 1, 2019

Make the best use of vegetables through root-to-shoot cooking

With the summer causing the vegetables to look lifeless and their prices to soar, city’s home cooks suggest methods of reusing veggie peels, shoots, and 'One Pot, One Shot' cooking to preserve their nutrients.

It is during the summer season that the weekly runs to the supermarket turn less exciting. The vegetable options become limited — it is either tough okra, dried up beets or overripe ivy gourds (coccinia or kovakkai). For most of us relying on the vegetable markets for our daily produce, cooking could get harder if the veggies seem too lifeless. Here is where methods like root-to-shoot cooking and One Pot, One Shot (OPOS) (which uses a pressure cooker and a very minimum amount of cooking time to preserve the nutrients in vegetables) could come in extremely handy in extracting the best of each vegetable. The method of root-to-shoot cooking also eliminates throw-aways, while giving you an added goodness from the traditionally unused parts of the vegetables. With people world over aiming for sustainable lifestyles, no-waste eating is only an extension of the philosophy.

Organic gardener Anju Agarwal says instead of throwing away the stalks of leafy greens, one can turn them into a delicious curry. “Every part of a vegetable is edible and usable. Nothing needs to be thrown away if one is aware of rightly utilising all parts of a vegetable — starting from peels to veggie tops. The stems and stalks of any leafy vegetable are also healthy. After a thorough wash, they can be chopped up and cooked along with potatoes, onions, tomatoes and some masalas, to create a nice curry, with a crunch from the stalks. Carrot greens and tops can also be cooked along with the carrots. Similarly, beetroot leaves and stalks also can be chopped up to be cooked as a dry sabji,” Anju tells us.

City-based home cook Reena Sehgal suggests using even onion, potato, carrot peels in a vegetable stock, that can be used to make hearty soups or pastas. “Many throw away the stalks of coriander on a daily basis and only use the leaves. Instead, washed up stalks of coriander can be used to make a simple and healthy lemon and coriander soup. Vegetable peels, tops or roots, which are considered kitchen scraps, can all be simmered in water until softened to create a stock, which can be stored in a refrigerator for at least a week,” she points out.

The OPOS method of cooking, trademarked and popularised by city’s B Ramakrishnan, on the other hand, ensures that the vegetables cooked are not killed in the process due to excess heat or overcooking. Home cook Sujatha Ravi, who practises the OPOS method on a daily basis, says the procedure is the best cooking method to put a vegetable through. “The method uses a very minimum amount of water while cooking for a very little time. For instance, a kilo of beans curry made in a pressure cooker using OPOS process, uses less than 60 ml of water and is prepared in less than five minutes. Less cooking time makes the vegetables retain their vitamins and even appear fresh, post cooking as well,” she adds.


Related imageRelated image

Method 1

For making panchgavya we need the following ingredients:

Cowdung approx            7 kgs
Cow ghee                          1 kg
Gomiyam                          10litres
Water                                10litres
Cow milk                          3 litres
Cow curd                          2 litres
Tender coconut water    3 litres
Jaggery                              3 kgs
Sugarcane juice               3 litres
Well Ripened Poovan Bananas 12nos

Mix the cowdung and ghee and keep aside for 3 days. Ensure you mix this twice a day.

On the 4th day add Gomiyam and water and keep aside for 15 days, ensuring you are mixing the mix twice daily.

On the 16th day thereafter, mix the remaining ingredients and ensure you don't forget to stir twice daily. This time you keep it aside for 30days. Keep this in shade. Cover to protect your mix from flies and mosquitoes.

Sugarcane juice is optional, it's added to increase microbial activity in the mix.

After a total of 48 days your panchgavya is ready for use. Dilute 5ml to a litre of water and use as required.

Method 2

Alternative method where you mix everything and keep aside and use after 20 days :

Cowdung 5kgs
Cow milk 2 litres
Cow curd 2 litres
Gomiyam 3 litres
Cow ghee 1/2 kg
Coconut water 3 no's
Handful of chunnam
Handful of soil
Handful of Jaggery.

Mix everything together and keep aside for 20-25 days, stir this twice to thrice daily, cover and keep in shade. Dilute and use once ready as soil drench or foliar spray.

Happy gardening.


Jasmine - how to reuse the flowers as fertilizers

Saturday, June 29, 2019

Inauguration of ” Green Goddesses ” in Association with Savera Hotel

Courtesy : Chennaiexpress news (, Indian Express

Savera Group is committed to green ecology as a responsible corporate citizen. The Hotel Management and The Joint Managing Director Ms. A. Nina Reddy have a focussed approach. to a better environment keeping the future in mind.

We are happy to launch team “Green Goddesses”, as we aspire to make Chennai green. and Chennai clean with our initiative, workshops and collaborations towards waste management & organic gardening at all levels.

Its our endeavour to bring together collectively the best in the field of organic, natural, eco friendly and sustainability products under one roof by way of exhibitions and many morel interesting innovative events every quarter.

The very first edition of Naturally Chennai by Green Goddesses on Wednesday, the 19-June 2019 from 10 am to 8pm at Hotel Savera, Dr. R.K. Salai, chennai
Free workshops on organic & healthy cooking.. a way of life, gluten free baking, dairy free alternatives, vegan desserts, composting is also happening on that day. The agenda:

10.30 am - Inauguration of Green Goddesses initiative 

11.00 am -Talk by Mr.D.Suresh,popularly known as “Solar Suresh”

12 pm - Anju Aganwal on ” Composting “- a workshop on how to consciously recycle waste

12.30 pm - Vegan cooking workshop by Shweta Hasija
1.00 pm- Vegan dessert workshop by Priyanka Kapoor 
4.00 pm- Gluten Free baking workshop by Keto kanteen 
5.00 pm- Dairy free alternatives workshop by Earth story
6.00 pm – Put waste to use – A workshop.

Our keynote speaker is Mr. Dwarkadas Suresh who is foundly known as solar Suresh by all. An IIT and IIM graduate, Mr.Suresh who is now 73 years old, has revolutionised his home in Kilpauk to be fully self sufficient using modern technology. from solar panels, rain water harvesting, biogas and terrace gardens, he and his wife live in a home that nature friendly, reducing the carbon footprint in the world. Ms Preethi Thiagharajan, Ms Jayshree Vivek and Ms.Manju Mudit are also organisers of “Green Goddesses”

To make a change be the change.. The green goddesses is a window which will equip the. atrons to lead a more sustainable and eco friendly lfestyle.

We look forward to welcome you & crew at the venue. The editorials will certainly usher in. The interest among public and let’s together join hands to make our Singara Chennai greener and healthier!

Banana based fertilizer

Banana based fertilizerImage result for banana peelImage result for banana peel
Items required:
  • 12 over ripe bananas 
  • 100 grams of curd 
  • 100 grams of jaggery 
  • 5L water can
  • A bottle to store the liquid.

Chop the bananas into pieces. Add little water and churn in the mixer grinder. Pour this liquid into a 5 L water can. Mix jaggery and curd till it is well blended. Add this to the banana mix. Close the lid and mix well. You may add more water if needed to get dropping consistency (That is neither too thick or thin). Open the lid, cover it with a bit of cloth with a rubber band. Shake it every day. Once the bubbles stop close the lid and keep it aside. After few days of fermentation the banana mix separates with a clear liquid on top and the slush settle down. Pour this clear liquid into another bottle and use 10 ml to 1 Liter of water. Spray this on the plants.

What to do with the balance slush?
Take the slush add 100 gram curd  and 100 gram jaggery. Restart the above process and this can go for 3 to 4 cycles. Lastly add this slush to your compost bin.

Banana Tea

Method 1

Boil 5 banana peels in a litre of water for 15 minutes. Strain the liquid.

Dilute it in 3 times water and use this to water the plants. 

It is an instant fertilizer and very effective for fruiting in plants. Add a teaspoon of honey and pour it away from roots.

Method 2

Put all banana peels in a jar and fill it with water. Leave it for two days. Then use this water to spray your plants. Banana peel Tea is ready. The peels can be chopped and put in the soil or alternatively use it in slurry.

Method 3

Dry the peels in the sun. Grind to a powder and sprinkle this on your plants.

Method 4


5 banana peels 
3 egg shells
1 tablespoon of epsom salt water 
1 L spray bottle.

Dry the peels and the egg shells. Powder very fine and mix everything. Spray on the plants.

Fermented Banana peels
For better blooms and strong plants

Put banana peels in a jar and fill it with water. Cover the jar with a cloth and tie it tight & close with a rubber band.
Let this ferment for a week. If there is mist formed, it is fine. If you see mold/mould (green fungus kind), throw the mix and start again.
After a week, grind the peels i a mixer grinder and apply to the plants.

Nutrient mix for soil
Bananas : 4 or 5 (poovan is best)

Hing : 50gms 
Water : 1 liter

Boil the above, allow it to cool and then filter it.

Mix the liquid obtained above with 10 liter of water and 20-40 gms of epsom salt. (Epsom salts are available in medical shop - sachet of 20gms)

Spray the liquid on plants

Good luck with gardening.

Thursday, May 30, 2019

Tomatoes - Germination & transplanting


  • Good quality native tomato (desi variety)
  • Big container - say 1sq ft - 2 sq ft (with drainage)
  • Cocopeat
  • Thin stick
  • Potting soil
Take the round shaped desi tomatoes , cut them into thick slices. Lay them on a bed of moist cocopeat and top it with a thin layer of cocopeat. In few days you will see tens of tomato seeds germinating.

why can't we sow tomatoes directly in mud? Do we need the cockpeat medium?

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Homemade seeds & solutions to germinate

We don't need to buy seeds to grow them, we can get them at our home itself.


Every household uses dry red chillies in all shapes, sizes and varieties. The dried seeds canbe sowed and voila you have your green chilli plant.


Take the round shaped desi tomatoes , cut them into thick slices. Lay them on a bed of moist cocopeat and top it with a thin layer of cocopeat. In few days you will see tens of tomato seeds germinating.

Monday, May 27, 2019

Sowing of seeds

Good morning friends, now that we have got our spaces ready and our basic potting mix ready too, let's start with sowing of seeds.

While sowing seeds I normally use only cocopeat as my medium. I use any of the containers at home which are of no use to me or I make small cups from newspaper, shall show you how I make those in a video soon.

Spray water on your sowing medium and sow the seeds...the sowing depth will depend on the size of the seed, it's normally two times the diameter of the seed. Larger seeds like beans and gourds can be sowed an inch deep too.

There are few seeds which you can sow and transplant and there are some which have to be sown directly.

Sunday, May 26, 2019

Largest roof top green organic farm - Chennai

Mother Teresa's building , opp Hotel Park Elanza, next to valluvarkottam

Those in Chennai can visit and buy greens organically grown there

Here is the link (video - opens in a different window)


How to prepare a basic potting mix?

Here are some pointers to prepare potting mix:

1. You can add bone meal to your potting mix. 

2. You can add goat manure/chicken manure, but add little as by nature it's hot, so too much may cause plant burn

3. You can add a little wood ash

4. You can add bio nutrients and fungicides like pseudomonas, Trichoderma, azophyllum, phosphobactria, these are added in minimum quantities so don't overdo it, just a tad bit goes a long way.

Saturday, May 25, 2019


Take an old toothbrush or paint brush and with water rub off the mealy bugs, then spray the neem oil soap nut solution.  5ml neem oil plus soapnut solution or if you don't have soapnut a few drops of liquid dishwashing soap to a litre of water. 

Repeat this for sometime till you see they are eradicated.

You can also keep the plant 6"from the base of the soil free from any leaves or branches. 

When the soil is too wet or if you water late evenings the pest infestation is more active

I have even used aloe Vera Juice to remove the mealy bug infestation and it has given amazing results, you can try that too.

Good Luck.

Preparation of NPK @ home

Recipe for preparing nitrogen or N, phosphorus or P and potassium or K (NPK) at home:

Collect your used tea leaves everyday. ( Wash the tea leaves thoroughly with water, dry and store)

Powder some mustard cake. ( You will get mustard cake from any cold pressed oil mill where they make mustard oil...the leftover bit after taking the oil out is what we call mustard cake)

Banana peels powdered ( after eating banana collect the peel and dry them, once dry powder them in mixi and store)

Your NPK is ready. Use this in equal ratio and feed your plants every 15 days ....just sprinkle a little away from the base of the plant and water.

Good luck

Pots available in the market


Let's look at the options available in the market with regards to pots.
Old tires

Plan for your veggie garden

We need to start planning for our veggie garden now, so please plan out what all you wish to grow, how many members are there in your family, which area of your garden gets sunlight, which gets shade, where do you wish to grow ...i.e. in pots and containers or you have ground space ....take two three days to think it out and then we can all.plan

May is the month when the garden soil is turned out and new manure is added to enrich the soil. Normally a ratio of 1:1:1:1 is used which means equal proportions of soil, cowdung manure, cocopeat and vermicompost.

Normally when I make bulk quantities of soil I add more of cowdung manure and less of vermicompost as we shall be topping our pots with VC once in 15 days 

Friday, May 24, 2019

Hello everyone - Welcome

Welcome friends and thank you for visiting my page.

Here in this blog, I would like to share my gardening experience. I grow a lot of plants - vegetable, fruits, flowering in my terrace garden.

I also request you to share your experience, so that we can grow more plants at home.

I have a whatsapp group. You can use the following link to join the group.

Keep watching this space for more gardening information.

With warm regards.